
Aug - 15 2023 | no comments | By


Aug - 14 2023 | no comments | By

Manual, f/14 aperture, 1/125ss, ISO 400, 18.00mm focus

Manual, f/14 aperture, 1/125ss, ISO 400, 18.00mm focus

Manuel, f/14, 1/400ss, ISO 400, 55.00mm focus

This photo from the internet is very interesting for many reasons. for one it is fascinated how the tree is all alone and what looks likes to be a see or a flat wet ground. the reflection of the tree reflected off the purple floor is a cite. Also, the sunset in the distance is a good touch as well as the clouds in the corners of the photos.

The tree is also darkened out so the scene of the sunset stands out more. The fade of the sunset meeting the purple floor is a well blend. The horizon being a more darkish purple than the ground is a good way to set the sun in the middle so the sky isn’t full of light and it captures the darkness of the tree. The last thing is the invisibility to see the sun set which lets all the attention go to the tree then the tree and the sunset.

Camera Exposure

Aug - 09 2023 | no comments | By

Aperture, ISO and Shutter speed are all parts of camera exposure. First aperture, aperture is the depth of field, it controls how much lights goes into the camera lens. The higher the aperture is the less light goes in, the smaller the aperture the more light comes in. A smaller aperture is used when it is dark and a bigger aperture is used when it is bright.

ISO shows image sound and determines how sensitive the camera is to incoming light. Unlike Shutter Speed or Aperture a lower ISO speed is almost always desirable since higher ISO speeds dramatically increase image noise. The common ISO speeds are 100, 200, 400 and 800, although many cameras permit lower or higher values.

Shutter Speed controls the motion blur and the camera sensor. a camera shutter determines when the camera sensor will be open or closed to incoming light from the camera lens. The shutter speed specifically refers to how long this light is permitted to enter the camera. Shutter Speed and Exposure time are basically the same thing and have the same concept where faster Shutter Speed means shorter exposure time.

The main Camera Mode that uses all these at once is manual. manual is different from all the other camera modes because you have to manually put in the type of ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

Hello world!

Aug - 07 2023 | 1 comment | By

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